Holidays are a period where physically, mentally and psychologically you tend to slow down and enjoy your period with family members, movies and goodies. During this period I watched two movies which are pondering on my mind for the last few days. These were movies which stay with you for life and you learn and teach through the same to your surroundings. The movies are-

The boy with striped pyjamas

Queen of Katwe 

Both of these movies had one thing in common. The children in the movies were mature far beyond their age. The kids were focused on a bigger picture like a better home or a meal at dinner. They were not carried away by nuances like better clothes, better school, better cars or mobiles or the luxury items which are taken for granted by children of wealthy or powerful parents. The kids were so focused, in Queen of Katwe, she struggles through the routine household work with an only hope that her Chess is going to bring her shelter with a permanent roof and schooling for a brighter future. They celebrate their small victories with a victory dance making look their misery so small. The boy with the striped pyjamas who was forcefully serving The Camp as he was jew was thrilled to find a friend across the border fence. The only thing mattered to him while chatting with his newfound friend was chocolates and sandwiches without real cribbing or complaining about his dirty looks or the torture the German soldiers were inflicting on him or his family.


Are these children born mature or the circumstances around them make them take mature decisions? Or are we adults to be blamed for not treating the children mature enough or allowing them to take decisions which will help them bloom faster. Are these problems of plenty. Are choices making our children more stubborn, arrogant, lethargic, dependent? Are we as adults the culprit of providing undue luxury and taking the wrong decisions in the name of well-deserved facilities? When I was growing up- my admission to a school was only due to two criteria- school with no donation and a school near our home where we don’t have to spend on travel expenditure. I had only two uniforms and a pair of shoes so life was very easy, u wash a pair of uniform every three days and you wear the same shoes for school as well as for my outing with my family. Now my daughter who is only 3.5 years old is having more than 10 pair of shoes depending on the colour of dress and occasion. Me and my wife are debating since the last one year about state board, ICSE, CBSE or IB etc etc. The choices are creating problem and it is without the consent or involvement of the poor kid, who later if not reciprocate to the liking of the adults would be blamed for his or her failure. 


To sum up, all our kids irrespective of financial the background should be taught a simple fundamental–

” I cried because I have no shoes….until I saw a kid with no feet smiling and happy”. Life should be taken as a blessing and led to avoiding the trouble of plenty and living simplistically.