Slavery is a term which we all feel is a big taboo to society. Slavery led an entire continent into apartheid. Slavery brought down empires, colonies and humans to such a level where they feel ashamed of seeing themselves in the mirror again. Is slavery only restricted to colour, race, breed? Slavery is the way of life, slavery is inbuilt in us, slavery is the way we think, slavery is the way we conduct, slavery is the way we live, slavery is the way we behave. Slavery is not what we do to others, slavery is how low you feel about yourself.

Women in India is the biggest victim of slavery and it’s not due to enforcement but allowing it to be done on them. The biggest enemy of a woman in India is a woman herself. Since a girl is born, the mother teaches the daughter what to wear, how to sit, how to behave, how to talk so that the tone is not raised above the tone of the males of the house. When she attains puberty in spite of giving the appropriate education about the physiological changes in the body with regard to menses, sex and childbirth; they are outcasted by not allowing in “puja” Ghar or dine together if she has menses, it is referred or treated as a demon coming out. A girl talking about sex before marriage is a taboo, a girl talking about virginity is a taboo, however similar deeds by a boy is acceptable and honoured.

Percentages of victims are not rescued from slavery.

Once a woman gets married it is accepted of her to get up early and do her hygienic activity before the males of the house get up. She should be prompt in making tea or breakfast whether she is a housewife or a working woman. This is the normal norm and any deviation is considered taboo. Once she is back from work, she is supposed to work on both the children education as well as the cleaning of the home ( bartan/kapde); not to take away the dinner preparation. After all the hard work, the woman is also there to make the male happy in bed. It doesn’t matter whether the female got her share of pleasure or not. It is her duty to take care of all the needs of the family.

A spinster either by destiny or force is a big taboo in society. And to make their lives more miserable, the credit goes to the women of the society. A middle-aged woman who lives alone if she is a widow or divorced or by choice is looked terribly down by the so-called happily married women of the society. They are not allowed to attend “good” “important” functions of the family. The females don’t have the right to dream, fantasise or live a life they desire, this is true not only for the ones dependent but even for those who are independent and take care of the entire family.

These taboos are so deep-rooted in the society that it will take a revolutionary approach by the woman against the women to improvise on their self-dignity and in return get out of SLAVERY.