It’s ironical that everyday in the morning I begin my day by riding my bicycle to my favourite Chaiwala- sipping “Adrak” chai sitting below a lemon tree. Have been constantly observing the behaviour of the tree for the last 2-3 seasons and it taught me more than any management books. Today it fruited me with ten juicy lemons without seeds for my patience.

At the end of summer and beginning of monsoon, the lemon tree started giving fruits, many green lemons which I use to carry home to find them dry and rotten from within. All the lemon looked healthy and good from outside but they were utterly useless from within. This story continued for a period of 3-4 weeks. The tree was brave enough to shed off the unwanted fruit which can hamper the growth of the tree as a unit. Lesson- Don’t go by the looks of the people in your organisation, weigh their credibility and accountability to the job. Shed them off if they are rotten from inside for the better advancement of the organisation.

The entire monsoon, the tree stood its ground beating the wind, thunderstorm, lightning and the torrential rains. Shedding of all old leaves and getting new green leaves. Never complained but always smiled whenever I saw it in the morning. Lesson- we all have ups and downs in life, never forget your smile- it touches yours and the opposite persons soul.

Since the beginning of the winter, the lemon tree is blessing me with nice juicy lemons. I got a big yellow lemon fallen on the ground. When I took it home, it was seedless and juicy. The entire lemon was used by my family for all the three meals with enough juice left to serve me a glass full of thirst quenching lemon juice. My love story with the lemon tree started with it blessing me with a lemon or two and sometimes four everyday morning. Suddenly last week the tree didn’t fruit and kept me dejected for a period of 7-8 days. My daughter kept on asking me Papa where is my gift today. I use to present her everyday with the gift of nature. But there was none for the last week. My brain started thinking that the fruit season is over and will have to wait for the next winter to enjoy my naturally picked lemons.

Today when I reached the spot at 6am, I see 10 lemons of different sizes, shapes and hues of dark green to light yellow waiting for me to pick up and gift it to my 5y old. Lesson- patience and hope, never give up on nature and have patience for the returns of your good deeds. It all comes back in multiples and makes your world a better place to live.