Stages of Life
Yesterday late evening I returned from a long and engaging jungle safari that I did with my wild life enthusiast friends from Nagpur. A trip which was full of apprehension, expectation, moments, surprises, thrill, agony, cursing, shouting, snoring, buzzing, dreaming and drooling. In the midst of all this hoopla we stopped to a road side shop to pick up few groceries. It is here where I came across local village art of making small pots and sculptures of mud. I picked few for my 7y old daughter as she loves to paint terracotta or gouache on them. It was a haphazard selection of four pieces. She was thrilled to see her gifts and arranged them randomly on the table.
The four artworks were that of
– money pot
– water pot
– Mask
– Buddha plant pot
Next day morning, when I got up and while sipping my cup of coffee I was staring at the pieces which were nicely reciprocating my stare. They summarised and spoke about different stages of life.
The money pot and mask summarises the early and earning stage of a human, how we change different roles from being a son/ daughter, brother/ sister, husband/ wife, mother/ father, student/ teacher, employee/ employer, friend/ enemy, honest/ corrupt, friend/ foe to suit the need of the hour and our personal needs. We play the role to the best of our ability to achieve the comfort needs of our well being by accumulating it step by step in our Money pot. Some need more and some less.
The other art pieces were those of a Buddha plant pot and liquid pot. These two have spiritual connect and reflects that you can grow only what you sow or enjoy the liquid what you fill. Our mind is a constant churning station. It provides you what you deserve. Depending on the mental state of your mind you can either reap and enjoy the juice called life or mess up drinking on unwarranted madira of fear, agony, jealousy, compare, etc from the liquid pot.
This random selection of artworks had in-depth teachings summarising that Nature has abundance to offer, it’s only you who will decide where to look and how to grasp. You are the creator of the art pieces in your life. Choose wisely and seek what you want the most from for and out of them.
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