Everyday I cross 3 young ladies in the age of 70-80 sitting on a garden bench next to each other without facing but chatting non stop to glee. I have been seeing them everyday for the last few months. They are non stop chatter box, not allowing other one to listen or to stop talking. They have so much to share with each other, so much to inform each other that in their merry they forget that all three are just talking talking and talking. No one is listening. Does it really matter?

These women whether it’s scorching heat, chilly winter mornings or rainy cloudy gloomy days never miss a chance to come and occupy their bench from 6am to 8am. It’s the time when the family thinks that they have gone for a morning walk, but the truth is these women have found their “ME” time where they just sit and chat chat chat. This ME time is far important for the women as it recuperates and exercise their soul than the walking which will just improve their endurance. They don’t have a long way to go. Does it really matter?

One day one of the woman was missing on the bench and the remaining two women were as merry as routine, busy chatting and exchanging their daily routines. The absence of the third woman was continuous for 7days and I became conspicuous and waited to enquire about her wellbeing. The oldies in a synchronous voice told me that “she got a heart attack and was hospitalised, she is recuperating and is desperate to join us here as soon as possible, it’s our time here that brought her back…..hahaha!!”. It does matter!!

Today’s generation doesn’t have time for the older generation. We are busy making hundreds of friends on social media and waiting for their approval and liking and ignore our one and only parent or grandparents who love us and like us unconditionally. All they need is our time, patient ears and warm human touch. Let’s find our own ME space or time so that we have a mission to wake up everyday and look forward to a beautiful day forward. It does matter !!